Monday, January 18

winter, winter, go away!

After a very mild week of weather - at least for Indiana in the middle of January - and spring break planning, I am more than ready for springtime. There is nothing like breaking out my J.Crew chino shorts, printed dresses and sandals. Spring brings bright colors into our life after months of drab winter grays.

Friday, January 1

welcome, 2010

my new years resolutions:

1. Work out three times a week. I think this one is actually attainable. I want to be in excellent shape for this summer, so my goal is to either run/elliptical twice a week and swim once a week, or vice versa. Lifting weights and doing abs will also be included in my regimen. Its time to stop being lazy and get active!!

2. Stop procrastinating. I will admit it. I am one of the worst at procrastinating. I need to start doing my homework way ahead of time, rather than waiting till the last minute. My life will be way less stressful if I actually stick to this.

3. Read More. I have always been an avid reader. Not only do I like to read, but I am a fast reader. I can read books in one day (Harry Potter anyone??) At school, I rarely crack open a book unless it is a textbook. Rather than turning to facebook every time I need a study break, I want to read a new book, even if I only read a few chapters.

4. Keep a Journal. This is one thing I really regret not doing this summer. Even though I did post things on my blog, I wish I had kept my own personal record of everything that happened. The other day Annie and I were talking about how we really should keep one because so many funny things happen and are said that we don't even remember a couple days later.