Wednesday, August 27


Someday, I will feature items from somewhere other than Old Navy. But right now I'm on a budget, and Old Navy is also killing it. Enter these little bucket bags, priced right at $30. Ummmm what?! I've had my eye on the beautiful Mansur Gavriel bucket bag for awhile, but let's be honest, that's not a realistic purchase and may never be. This is a perfect compromise, and much more affordable. Now the question is, which color?! I kind of love all three...

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Tuesday, August 26


Hello chickadees! Did everyone have a great weekend/Monday? I was home this weekend for my best friend's wedding shower (October 18th is so close!!!) and while it felt like a really quick trip, it was perfect and much needed.

I'm always happy to be at home and spend time with my family and friends from growing up, but this weekend in particular reminded me just how lucky I am to have them in my life. My friends and I don't live in the same city, and we typically only see each other a couple times a year, but when we are together, we pick up right where we left off. Saturday was one of those perfect days, and with the exception of all the summer shandys I drank, it felt like we were back to age 12, jumping off the diving boards and spending all day and all night at the pool. I cherish these friends of mine - we've been together since age 8 or before - and when you have friends for that long, you just get each other.

It's rare, I think, to have friends that are considered family, and family that is considered friends. I feel very blessed to say I have both. :)

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Wednesday, August 20


In just 8 days (!!!!!!!) I'm heading to New York City for Labor Day, visiting my favorite (and only) sister in the world, Jane!!! Reasons this makes me excited:

1. I love my sister
2. I love New York City
3. Sister snuggles
4. Aimless wandering and delicious foods
5. I can't wait to see Jane's apartment - she moved to the East Village August 1!
6. I get to see two of my besties

I visited last summer and we had the best time, doing non-touristy things (my favorite, to feel like a local). We went to the Standard for rooftop drinks, ate at Rosemary's, Jack's Wife Freda, Smorgasburg in Brooklyn, and Pastis, and wandered through Central Park, the Brooklyn Flea Market, and the Highline. I loved every second my visit and seriously am on the edge of my seat waiting for next Thursday.

Anything that we must do? We are planning on going to Eataly one night - because pasta, duh - but other than that, my trip is an open book. Would love y'alls feedback!


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Tuesday, August 19


So let's talk about Taylor Swift and how she is doing EVERYTHING right from a style (and in my opinion, role model) standpoint this summer. Girl has absolutely been killing it - looking put together but age appropriate and fresh. Not to mention her killer legs... If you've got it, flaunt it! Here are some of my favorite looks from this summer.

Crop tops done right - matching skirt and top set.

Everything about this.... just yes.

Killing it again in a simple romper and signature red lip.

Also - if you missed her live stream on Yahoo! yesterday, or have been sitting under a celebrity news rock, she released a music video for her newest single "Shake It Off". The single is coming from her album 1989, which will release in October. I can't stop listening, and the video is awesome and proof that Taylor doesn't care what the haters think because she's probably having more fun than you. Go girl.

edit - I just read Annie's post on T. Swift, so I also want to give my loving opinion on her.

There will no doubt be tons of haters when it comes to her music and the video, but oh my gosh, can it stop? For one second, let's praise this 24 year old who is being 100% herself and doing it in such a classy way. I recently went to a Miley Cyrus concert (clarifcation, it was free for me), and while I love a good "Party in the USA" and "Adore You", I was appalled at the number of young teenagers who were in the audience and wearing the most skimpy, inappropriate clothing, and cheering and screaming while Miley is humping inanimate and animate objects. I mean when did that become okay? News flash, it's not, and in my opinion, never will be. Meanwhile, T.Swift gets railed on because she is dancing at awards shows and maybe doesn't have the "best" moves. Who really cares? She's probably the most sane teenage-turned-adult star, and if she enjoys cats and taking Polaroids and baking with friends, I think that's awesome. We could all be a little more Taylor and less Miley. Keep on being you, Taylor.


image 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

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Wednesday, August 13


Y'all, I apologize for the lack of posting. I'm moving my life into a storage unit this week, and it's kind of insane how long gathering your belongings takes. Who knew I had so much stuff?

As of Friday I'll be all moved out, so next week will be back to regular posting. Thanks for bearing with me, friends.

Monday, August 4


Last year Tory Burch took her fashion empire a step further from shoes, clothing, and accessories, and launched a beauty line (love her fragrance). Now she's back again, this time with a home line. Can she do no wrong?!

The sponge-like design is based on the 19th-century English ceramics and seen in much of the era’s stoneware pieces that both Tory and her mother, collect. I personally love the larger oval sponge design, and while I'm a long way from owning anything this nice, think it's quite lovely. Blue and white is just such a beautiful and effortless combination, isn't it?