Thursday, October 27

it feels like christmas eve

Christmas isn't for another two months (although the commercials have started and we just got Nieman Marcus' Christmas Book), but I feel like today is Christmas Eve. Why? Because tomorrow I finally get to return to Indiana for HOMECOMING!

As an undergrad, I can't say I exactly appreciated homecoming the way alumni do. It was great, because we had fun themed parties every night of the week, and of course tailgating was out of control on gameday, but it wasn't anything unusual. If anything, I was more annoyed that all these alumni were crowding Kilroys and making the line that much longer to get drinks.

PINK team sophomore year... hot onesies, right?

Now, as an alum (eeek!) I totally get it, and will admit, I'll be one of those annoying alums at Kilroys. I haven't been to school since graduation, and when I left I was hysterically crying the entire way out of town, so I can't say I got my best "last look" at campus. Needless to say, I feel like a little girl on Christmas Eve, waiting for all the presents Santa brings in the morning. Except instead of Barbies and toys, my presents are Kilroys, tailgating, and my best, best friends. The majority of my best friends in college will be back for the weekend, and words cannot express how excited I am to see them. If this weekend is anything like my four years at IU, it is going to be one hell of a weekend with non stop fun and laughs. I. CAN. NOT. WAIT!!!!!

Bestests tailgating senior year
Junior year tailgate with my Theta sistaaaas

Tuesday, October 25

Welcome to the 60s!

It's official. I was born in the wrong decade.

Now, my close friends might disagree and say that I am living in the correct decade considering my obvious social media obsession - so what if I love blogs, Twitter, and Facebook?! However, after watching five episodes of Pan Am in less than 24 hours, I think it's safe to say I love the 60s. The fashion, the glamour, the political revolutions.... eeek! I'm even more convinced knowing that my other two favorite TV shows, Mad Men and American Dreams are both set in the 60s. Unfortunately, American Dreams was cancelled after the third season when Meg rode off on a motorcycle with Chris, set for California (still not over the ending), but I'm hoping Mad Men can hold out for at least two or three more seasons, and hopefully the same with Pan Am. I don't know what it is about the 60s that I love. Everything seems like it was a little bit more glamorous, more mysterious, more exciting. Then again, I'm also basing this off of television shows, which make you think exactly what they want you to. In reality, if I grew up in the 60s, I wouldn't be jetting to Paris or Bangkok as a Pan Am stewardess, dancing on American Bandstand and meeting famous singers, or working in a Sterling Cooper-like ad agency with Don Draper. I would be living a normal, average life in suburbia somewhere. But hey, a girl can dream, right? And not that I have much to complain about. I am living one pretty good life.

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Thursday, October 20


Today is such a happy day! I am off to Kentucky to visit my long lost friends from home. Natalie is flying in from Dallas with friends, Bethany is coming from Chicago, Ali and Whitney from Cincinnati and Kaitlyn from Champaign. Oh how I cannot wait! We have not all been together since Christmas last year, so it is definitely time for a reunion. Now that we live so many different places, it's much more difficult to all come together. I'm glad we've finally made it work! These girls are the best of the best of friends. We've been together since we were 10. Back then we spent our long summer days at the pool, playing cards in the snack bar, having relay races off the diving board, terrorizing the golf and tennis pros (sorry), and playing Illinioply with the guards on rainy days. It's amazing that we have been able to keep the strong friendship and bonds that we have for over 10 years. The best part about our friendship is that we can go months and months without seeing each other, but when we finally do, it's like nothing has changed and we have spent no time apart.

 Can you tell how excited I am?!

Ali, Bethany, Natalie, myself, Whitney and Kaitlyn last year at CCC's Christmas Party :)

Tuesday, October 18

crazy for keeneland

Source: via Holly on Pinterest

After a weekend in Mississippi, I have yet another trip planned, but this time to the Bluegrass State of Kentucky. My hometown friends and I are meeting in Lexington for a fun filled weekend. On Saturday we are going to Keeneland for the races, and I absolutely cannot wait. I went to Keeneland in the spring and loved it, so naturally I am very excited for round two. Nothing better than horse races, cute dresses, bourbon drinks, and best friends :)

Horses at Keeneland in the spring
Friends :)

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Monday, October 17

fall-ing in love

Fall is hands down my favorite season. I love seeing the leaves turn colors, the cooler days and nights, and the fun festivities the season brings, such as Halloween and Thanksgiving. Since moving to Atlanta, I haven't been able to fully get into the swing of fall, with life being a whirlwind of trips in and out of the city, visiting friends, and job hunting. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can settle down and enjoy this beautiful season. I would love to go hiking (need to find somewhere), carve a pumpkin with friends, and drink delicious apple cider. I think the perfect start to the fall festivities will be making this Pumpkin Bread Pudding I found on Pinterest (which has quickly become my new obession). There is nothing that screams fall like pumpkin, and this sounds absolutely delicious. I'll report back on how it is!

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